Priding oneself on their ability to handle intense pain levels is something I am familiar with. I consider myself a “Shewomen” and able to tolerate intense levels of pain therefore I find it somewhat challenging and difficult to sympathize with those who are unable to handle pain as well as me. I sound rather snooty don’t I? I acknowledge that this mentality of mine is not a nice one and I, to be honest, have been put in my place about it, once I realized I may not be as tuff as I once thought I was.
Giving birth naturally and enduring a migraine headache are two separate pain tolerances. I learned that having a child is painful but having a migraine is downright debilitating. The great thing about birth is the knowledge that in a few short hours you will be rewarded with a cute baby boy or girl but when it comes to a migraine, the only reward you have is the knowledge that unless this migraine kills you it has to end eventually.
Migraine headaches are one of life’s most bothersome conditions. They creep on slowly and take their time leaving. Migraines are believed to have four stages of which the pain level progresses from bad to worst. Each migraine stage comes with their own separate symptoms that can leave a person begging for some form of migraine relief.
Warning Signs
The first stage of a migraine is referred to as the prodrome stage. This particular stage is an important one to learn the warning signs too, because if they are learned and treatment is sought enough in advance migraine pain can be drastically decreased and the duration shortened. The prodrome stage is a stage that alerts or warns a person that a migraine is on the brink of braking through. Symptoms include:
- Extreme Fatigue or hyperactivity
- Increased Irritability
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings – often sugary in nature
Symptoms may seem innocent enough and easily explained but the truth of the matter is they are hints and insight into what is about to occur. During the prodrome stage, no head pain or severe symptoms will be felt. It is important that during this prodrome stage that migraine treatments plan is put into place in hopes of lessening the level of migraine meltdown.
Tags: Extreme Fatigue, Food Cravings, Increased Irritability, migraine headaches, migraine meltdown, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, prodrome stage, treatments plan
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