Everyone gets headaches at one time or another. However, some people experience the debilitating, sick headache called migraine. The symptoms of migraine can be mild to severe. The triggers for migraine are varied and the treatments for migraine depend on the individual. Medications may help with frequency and severity, but your doctor would be the one to help in this area. If you are the type who doesn’t like meds then there are many self-help and home remedies that work for people. You just have to try some and see which ones work for you.
Migraine Symptoms
Migraines progress through four stages – prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome, although you may not experience all four stages. They often start in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood.
- Prodrome – This stage usually occurs one or two days before a migraine hits. You may notice subtle changes in your body that signal a migraine is coming. These include constipation, depression, diarrhea, food cravings, hyperactivity, neck stiffness, and irritability.
- Aura – Most people experience migraines without aura but those who do experience them have ones that are usually visual, but they can be sensory, motor, or speech disturbances. They can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Examples of aura include visual phenomena such as bright lights or wiggly lines. They can also be blind spots or a pins and needles feeling in the arms or legs. Speech problems are also a type of aura.
- Attack – Untreated migraines can last from four to 72 hours and the duration and intensity varies from person to person. Although there is pain, there are other symptoms besides the pain like:
- Sensitivity to lights, sounds, and sometimes smells
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blurred vision
- Diarrhea
- Lightheadedness, sometimes followed by fainting
- Postdrome – This stage occurs after the migraine and makes you feel washed out and drained. Some people have the opposite effect and feel mildly euphoric.
Migraine Causes
Undo stress is a trigger for migraine headaches but not a cause. Genetics and environment, however, play a role in their occurrence. Migraines are caused by changes in the brainstem and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway. Imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin (inhibits pain) may also play a part. Serotonin levels are low in migraine patients. This may trigger the trigeminal system to release chemicals called neuropeptides, which travel to the brain’s outer covering. The result is pain.
Migraine Triggers
Certain factors can contribute to migraine headaches. These are outward occurrences, called triggers, which prompt the migraine to start. Here are some triggers.
- Hormonal changes can trigger migraines in women. Changes in the estrogen levels can cause what is called menstrual migraines.
- Foods like aged cheeses, alcohol, beer, red wine, chocolate, overuse of caffeine, and some artificial ingredients like MSG and aspartame are common triggers. Skipped meals and fasting can also trigger migraine headaches.
- Sensory stimuli like flashing lights, bright lights, and sun glare can induce migraines. Loud sounds, unusual smells, unpleasant odors, and second-hand smoke can also trigger them as well as stress from work or home.
- Changes in sleep pattern can bring on a migraine. Jet lag, lack of sleep, or too much sleep can also be a culprit.
- Intense physical exertion, environmental changes, and certain medications may also trigger migraines.
Migraine Home Remedies
If you are one who does not like the reactions of medications on your body, you will want to try some of these alternate remedies for relief from migraines.
- Try muscle relaxation exercises – use muscle relaxation techniques, meditation, or yoga to help relieve stress. Listen to beautiful music and close your eyes to relax.
- Get enough sleep, but don’t oversleep – The average adult needs six to eight hours of sleep every night. It also helps to go to bed and wake up at regular times.
- Rest and relax – If you feel a migraine coming, try to go to a quiet, dark place and rest. Use cold packs on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to the painful areas of your scalp.
- Keep a headache diary – Continue to keep a diary of your headaches so you will learn more about what triggers your headaches and what treatments work for you.
- Seek out alternative treatments – Acupuncture, acupressure, and massage are just a few of the alternative treatments that can help with migraines.
Migraine headaches are not fun and if you ever know someone that has them, it can be a pitiful sight to behold. However, there is a lot of research in this area and new discoveries are being found to help with this dilemma. Try some of the alternate remedies above to help with symptoms and educate yourself on the subject. Find your triggers and remove them. Apply all the advice you can find so you can control this monster and live a better life with fewer migraines.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, postdrome, prodrome, stages of migraines
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