If you are a chronic migraine sufferer then you are aware of how a migraine headache does not only affect you personally but everyone you come into contact with over the duration of your migraine attack. And for those of you who are not chronic migraine sufferers but just victims of migraines by way of association with a migraine sufferer you are familiar with the ripple effect a migraine headache can have. The ripple effect is symbolic to the throwing a pebble or rock into a body of water and then watching that rock create a disturbance.
Though the rock sank immediately to the bottom, the surrounding water is woken up from its placidness and moves in response to what just happens. The affect that migraine headaches have one their victims is just like a rock being thrown into a body of water. The headache may be attacking only one individual but everything around that person becomes shaken, disturbed and moved because of it. For instance, migraine headaches bring on several painful side effects that can leave a person immobile for several days, thus leaving his or her responsibilities left undone or moved to someone else.
Children of chronic migraine sufferer are affected by the migraine in both physical and emotional ways. Children are left to fend for themselves or cared for by someone other than their parent, emotionally they are left to deal with their own issues or concerns until their parent is able to coherently assist them. Family members are called into to help take care of children, cooking cleaning and whatever else needs to be done while the chronic migraine patient recoups. Professionally, employers are left to reassign work load to other employees making your fellow colleagues irritable and unhappy.
Migraine Treatment
There is no getting around the fact that migraines affect all those involved, but there is a way to get around the duration of time that everyone is affected. Migraine treatment is the only resource one has to beating migraine pain. With no migraine cure readily available, one must trust in a migraine treatment to bring order, structure and sanity back to his or her home. Migraine treatments can vary depending on preference, but the goal is to achieve a safe and more effective migraine relief. Treatment options could include one or more of the following (please speak to a medical professional before using any form of medication):
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Massage Therapy
- Migraine Support Formula
- Triptans
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, symptoms, treating migraines
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