Have you ever found yourself driving down the road when all of a sudden a sharp pain begins to develop in the head causing you to squint in pain and rub your temples. Headaches are very frustrating and can cause a mild interruption with a person’s daily schedule but headaches overall have little lasting effect on the person. A headache typically lasts no longer then three hours where as a migraine can last up to three days becoming more painful as the hours pass. Migraines develop in the brain causing a neurological upset which in return is what creates the sensation of throbbing and pounding in the head.
Headaches come on quickly with little to no warning which makes timing very uncertain whereas migraine headaches develop slowly and over a period of days. The development of a migraine is an important aspect of the migraine progression and if the migraine patient learns to listen to his or her body then he or she can predict the onset of a migraine attack thus decreasing the migraine duration and lessening migraine pain. Without a migraine cure the most effective approach a migraine prone individual can take is through the education of various preemptive warning signs and educating oneself on the various triggers that could set the migraine into motion.
Migraine Preemptive Warning Signs
Learning the preemptive warning signs of a migraine will help the migraine sufferer know when the most effective time to implement a migraine treatment is. The preemptive warning signs of a migraine show up or manifest several days before any actual migraine pain so learning the signs can have a profound effect on the migraine duration as well as the migraine intensity. So what should one be looking for?
• Extreme Fatigue
• Obsessive Yawning
• Food Cravings
• Bouts Of Depression
Once the preemptive warning signs have been learned the next goal is to determine which migraine triggers can have a negative effect on a person and create an intense migraine outbreak to develop. The following are a few of the most common migraine triggers that migraine sufferers should be on the lookout for:
• Weather Changes or Barometric drops
• Stress
• Lightening
• Caffeine
• Alcohol
• Odors like perfume, body odor
• Foods
o Aged Cheese
o Chocolate
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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