It is not secret that migraine headaches can create a severe reaction to one who has never experienced one before. The intense throbbing and pounding can drive a person to the brink of insanity and without a plan can set an individual back a few steps. Everyone has an agenda; during these tough economic times, it is important to make good use of everyday in order to get ahead financially. When a migraine attack strikes, it can render a person helpless for several days and force them to miss work.
When a migraine is on the brink of developing, there are several things the future migraine sufferer could do in order to prevent the chaos of juggling, works, household responsibilities, kids and meals. A migraine actions plan should be written out and discussed between you, children and those that will be affected by the migraine plan such as friends and extended family if they will be called on to help with child care etc. Unlike headaches, migraines can be somewhat planned on if one learns the preemptive warning sign and migraine triggers.
Triggers and Preemptive Warning Signs
Learning migraine triggers can help with the implementing a migraine plan. There are several migraine triggers that if one comes in contact with can start the process of preparing for the onset of a migraine. Triggers include:
- Stress
- Poor Sleeping Habits
- Alcohol
- Foods
- Chocolate
- Aged Cheese
- Odors
- Body Odor
- Cigarette Smoke
- Perfume
- Weather Change
Alongside migraine triggers, one can become familiar with their body’s preemptive warning signs. Preemptive warning sign show up several days before the first stage of a migraine begins. Preemptive warning signs:
- Fatigue
- Food Cravings
- Increased Irritability
Crucial Parts Of The Plan
A migraine plan should include phone numbers of family members and close friends that are willing to be help with child care, cooking, housework during your migraine attack. At the first sign of a migraine, employers need to be notified and if prescribed, any preventative medications should be taken to help reduce the duration of the migraine. Time should be allotted to escape lights and sound. A cold compress applied and rest had.
Tags: intense throbbing, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine plan, Migraine releif, migraine triggers, preemptive warning sign, stress, treating migraines, triggers
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