Migraine headaches or the fear of a migraine headache has the power to cause millions of men and women to have many restless nights. Migraine headaches are miserable things to endure and for those who suffer with chronic migraine headaches know the risks that are involved when a migraine creeps on. Migraines creep on slowly and hang around for a lengthy duration; migraine headaches have been known to stick around for an upwards of three days driving a person to the point of emotional and physical exhaustion.
Enduring a migraine is similar to running a marathon; the pain becomes so intense that the body literally goes through a physical, chemical and emotional upheaval. As a migraine develops, it causes the blood vessels in the brain to enlarge and as they enlarge, they create a painful pounding/throbbing sensation in the head. The enlarged blood vessels release a chemical into the brain that begins to attack the brains arteries. As the brains arteries are under attack, they try to fight back be setting off a series of miserable symptoms that can leave a person bound to his or her house in a dark quiet room for seventy two hours.
The pain of a migraine is so severe that the migraine patient often goes without sleep during the migraine duration. Leading up to the migraine preemptive warning sign or symptoms also include lack of sleep such as insomnia so imagine a chronic migraine sufferer in intense pain having gone without sleep for several days – wow, stay away! There is migraine comfort that can be found and is offered to migraine sufferers. The problem is that most migraine suffering people do not seek migraine treatment therefore they are left to their misery and they make those around them miserable as well.
Migraine treatment comes in many methods and approaches. The goal is to find the right method and approach. Two approaches can be chosen from either a pharmaceutical approach or natural approach. Both approaches have been known to be effective but the pharmaceutical approach is linked to severe side effects making a natural migraine treatment the most effective and safe option.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition, pharmaceutical approach, pounding, severe side effects
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