Feeling unwell is not uncommon for those who suffer with chronic migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are one of those conditions that when they attack they attack harshly and leave the migraine victim feeling strangely out of sorts and out of touch with reality. A migraine progresses through four distinct stages each leading from one stage to the next bringing with each stage their own unique set of symptoms that help complicate a complicated migraine situation. So what are these four migraine stages?
The first migraine stage is known as the prodrome stage. This first migraine stage is important and will determine how the rest of the migraine will go. During this first migraine stage symptoms are discrete and hard to recognize. These symptoms are known as preemptive warning signs and they are hints and warnings that a migraine is on the way and that a treatment ought to be implemented as soon as possible in order to avoid a painfully drawn out migraine. Preemptive warning signs would include obsessive yawning, food cravings, increased irritability and extreme fatigue.
The second migraine stage is known as the aura stage. This second stage is not felt or had by every migraine sufferer but when a migraine patient is experiencing the aura stage than his or her symptoms would include blurred vision, dizziness and black spots behind the eyes. This second migraine stage develops mere hours before the worst of the migraine pains develop and render the patient motionless.
The third and most painful migraine stage would include the headache stage. The headache stage is by far the most severe and dreaded. It is during this third stage the migraine victim feels the worst and experiences the most painful of the migraine symptoms. The headache stage can last up to three days and bring with it a whole slew of miserable symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and throbbing / pounding sensation in the head.
The postdrome migraine stage is the fourth and final stage. After the third migraine stage the migraine victim needs time to recoup and let his or her body heal after the severe marathon of pain it just ran. The postdrome migraine stage is not as severe as the headache stage, but it does come with some mild leftover side effects like linger head pain, mild confusion and muscle weakness.
Tags: aura, headache, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, migraine attack, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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