Migraine headaches can cause a serious delay in a person’s schedule not to mention the disruptions that they cause in the physical body and mental capacity. Those who suffer with reoccurring migraine headaches know the limitations and disabilities that come when having to endure a migraine headache. What cause the intense migraine pain and symptoms are the chemical changes in the brain. The blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge causing severe and painful head pain that resembles a throbbing or pounding sensation. As the blood vessels enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain that begins to attack the brains arteries.
As the brains arteries fall under attack, the only defense mechanisms that the arties has is their ability to release a series of miserable symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Blurred Vision
- Sensitivity To Light and Sound
Symptoms such as these are difficult to cope with while being faced with everyday challenges like: child care, work, domestic duties and even being kind becomes difficult as the migraine threatens to transform the victim into a monster.
One migraine headache in a given lifetime is painful enough, now imagine those whom are forced to live with migraine stacked upon migraines (a.k.a chronic migraine headaches) and the discomfort and the quality of life they must lead. Chronic or reoccurring migraine headaches are considered to be a neurological condition that causes a physiological upset in the brain and body. It is the development of the migraine and the changes that occur in the brain that cause a migraine to be labeled a neurological issue thus warranting them more complicated to treat then by doing so with over the counter medicines. Migraine headaches require a much more aggressive treatment than over the counter medicines.
There are several types of migraine treatments such prescription medications and or various holistic or natural migraine treatments, regardless of preference without a migraine treatment there is nothing one can do but be in pain. Migraine treatments that use narcotics or foreign substances can create a negative reaction in the body, therefore it is important that all options be considered before agreeing to one in particular.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition, pounding, symptoms
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