There are many things that come with life that can cause worry, health issues are usually the number one cause for concern in regards to living and living well. Very few people would stop to think or consider migraine headaches as a medical concern, yet they are. More than twenty million men and women suffer with chronic migraine each year making them one of the leading excuses for missed work. When a migraine attacks, it causes severe pain and can leave a migraine patient immobile for several days.
The reason that chronic migraines are thought to be a serious health concern has to do with the way they develop. Migraine headaches are actually referred to by some in the medical world as a vascular headache because they develop in the brain. Migraines unlike your normal run of the mill headaches cause a chemical shifting in the brain. As a migraine develops, it causes the blood vessels in the brain to enlarge or expand. The enlarging of the blood vessels does not only because severe head pains such as throbbing or pounding the expanding of the blood vessels also causes harmful chemicals to be released into the brain.
The released chemicals from the enlarging blood vessels begin to torment the brains arteries making it nearly impossible for a person to be able to function around the pain.
Migraine Treatment
Migraine headaches have no known cure therefore the only way to relieve migraine a headache is through some form of migraine treatment. Migraine treatment is to be specifically designed to meet the migraine patient’s personal needs. Every migraine sufferer is different and every migraine patient responds to treatment differently therefore what might work for one migraine sufferer may not work for another.
Migraine treatment can be approached from two different ways one being a prescription based treatment where side effects can be had or the migraine patient could take a natural approach to migraine treatment reducing his or her chances of a negative response to treatment. Side effects are common with the use of prescription medications whereas with a natural treatment such as therapy, acupuncture or herbal supplements no adverse side effects will be had only relief – no longer a vascular concern.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraines, neurological condition, symptoms, treating migraines
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