The outside factors that explain some of what is going on inside of a person are called symptoms and the symptoms of migraines are many, plus they affect each migraine sufferer differently. Sufferers can experience a range of symptoms from depression to nausea; they could have vision problems or have to pee a lot, which is a weird one. But all of the sufferers do experience one symptom in common when plagued with chronic migraine and that symptom is excruciation head pain; there is little that can stop the migraine once it gets started so the way to gain relief is through migraine prevention. By minimizing the symptoms and lowering their intensity, the migraine sufferer can regain portions of their life that were fraught with pain and agony but now can find peace and rest. To achieve this bliss or relief, the migraine sufferer must utilize a migraine treatment option on a regular basis. Consistency is the key when combating migraine and the migraine will subside a decent amount yet not ever truly go away.
Understanding The Warning Stage
The first stage that migraine sufferers endure is referred to as prodrome or the preemptive/pre-headache stage. During the prodrome stage, soon to be migraine suffers will begin to experience symptoms that serve as warning signs such as:
- Fatigue
- Changes In Behavior
- Food Cravings
- Overly Sensitive To Light And Sound
- Constipation
- Irregular urination patterns
- Difficulty sleeping
- Neck and back tension
Massage The Therapy Right Out Of The Migraine
I do recommend that you consult and gain advice with you primary care physician in order to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. You migraine treatment plan will be your first and last defense against the onslaught and devastation that a migraine can do. It’s no wonder that migraine are the number one reason people called off of work sick; here a few of the symptoms of migraine headaches: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, indescribable pain, blurred vision and much more. This is why having a migraine treatment plan is so important. One of the migraine treatment options is therapeutic massage. When people think of massages, they envision a Swedish or deep-tissue massage which would normally bring great enjoyment and relaxation. However, for a migraine sufferer, it would totally be a mistake of ceasing the pain but it would create more of the already existent pain. The massage therapist will not focus on the large muscle groups that are targeted in deep-tissue massages but the small muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the bottom of the spine; these are the sub-occipital muscles. If massaged well and tension released, this migraine treatment can bring almost instant relief to the sufferer.
Tags: alternative migraine treatment, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine headaches, treating migraines
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