The primary migraine stage we are going to investigate and talk about is the prodrome stage. The prodrome migraine stage is very much so the most take-notice migraine stage, because it is throughout this migraine stage that the migraine patient must implement a migraine treatment in order for the migraine treatment to be most effective. During this first migraine stage the migraine sufferer will tolerate no head pain only faint and easy to miss anticipatory migraine warnings and symptoms. The warning signs that tell if a migraine is on the threshold of breaching through may be disregarded or explained away; however, if these warning signs are renowned and charted out migraines can be blocked before they get going.
• Fatigue
• Bouts of depression
• Obsessive yawning
• Cravings for foods high in sugar of lathered in salt
• Drowsiness
• Sudden irritability or changes in mood.
Aura: Stage Two Of The Migraine Process
The second migraine stage is distinctive in that not every migraine victim will practice it. The second migraine stage is known as the aura stage and this particular stage is very brief, affects one’s vision and occurs just a few hours before the worst and most painful of the migraine stages. The aura stage can cause the migraine sufferer to have frustrating issues with seeing things with precision. The victim will start to have blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and will start to recognize a halo like outline around objects they are viewing. Other symptoms of this aura stage would include dizziness and slight confusion.
Migraine Phase Three: Headache
The third and most aggravating migraine stage would have to be this third phase. The headache stage is where the migraine sufferer begins to bear strongly concentrated symptoms such as: diarrhea, throbbing, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, pounding and even bouts of confusion. The headache stage might even continue for up to three or more days.
Stage Four: Postdrome
The fourth and final migraine stage is known as the Postdrome migraine stage. This fourth migraine stage implies the end is near but the migraine sufferer is not out of the symptom free zone yet. This fourth migraine stage still brings about a few lingering symptoms such as mild head pain, muscle weakness and lingering cognitive difficulties. This fourth migraine stage can last for several days allowing the migraine suffer to recoup slowly so as to avoid a relapse.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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