Where does one begin in the explanation of migraine headaches their causes, symptoms, stages and treatments? It seems as though there is a wealth of information regarding migraines and all that comes with having one. Migraines are often a reoccurring condition that creates severe symptoms and head pain that the poor migraine sufferer is left with the inability to function at a normal capacity.
Seeking refuge during a migraine is often one of the first thoughts that run through a migraine patients mind. Coping with a migraine can be difficult due to symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Cognitive Confusion
- Constipation
- Blurred Vision
- Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
Migraine symptoms worsen as the migraine progresses through four different stages. Each stage that a migraine progresses to brings with it a series of painful symptoms unique to that particular stage.
Stage #1 Prodrome
The first stage of a migraine is known as the prodrome stage. It is during this stage that preemptive warning signs begin to manifest giving the tentative migraine patient clues to the impending migraine. Symptoms would include:
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings
- Fatigue or Hyperactivity
Though the symptoms may seem easily explainable for those who suffer from chronic migraines, these few preemptive warning signs could help lessen the duration of your migraine.
Stage #2 Aura
The aura stage is not always felt or experienced by every migraine sufferer but it is worth mentioning. The aura stage often plays tricks on individual’s vision and complicates their equilibrium. Symptoms would include:
- Dizziness
- Blurred Vision
- Black spots behind the eyes
- White halo look to most objects
The aura symptoms and stage last just a few hours and then quickly leads into the third and climatic stage.
Stage #3 Headache
The headache stage is the crucial and most painful stage. It is during this stage that all migraine symptoms reach their climax and cause the migraine patient to admit defeat and seek solitude. During this stage, vomiting could occur as well as cognitive confusion.
Stage #4 Postdrome
The final stage of a migraine is known as the Postdrome stage. This final stage lets migraine sufferers know that the end is in sight. Mild head pain, muscle soreness and extreme fatigue are all symptoms that wind up this last stage of headache.
Migraine treatment is not as effective if taken during the worst of the headache. In order for migraine treatment to be effective, sufferers need to learn the preemptive warning signs as well as their personal triggers in order to be proactive about their treatment.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine relief, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, postdrome, prodrome
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