By recognizing the warning signs or symptoms commonly related to a migraine, an individual is than able to prepare his or herself emotionally and physically for the onset of intense head pain. View the following stages and migraine herbal treatments and see how you can become more aware.
Prodrome: Migraine Stage 1
The first migraine stage is known as the prodrome stage. The prodrome stage is the first of the four migraine stages and by far the most important one to identify. The Prodrome stage comes with sneaky almost unrecognizable symptoms such as fatigue, obsessive yawning and food cravings. Symptoms that are connected with the prodrome stage are easily passed off as something other than migraine related symptoms. This first migraine stage comes with no head pain attached making it even more of a challenge to recognize.
Studies have shown that if a migraine preventative treatment is taken or implemented during this first migraine stage the migraine patient should notice a decrease in migraine pain, duration and overall intensity.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels; since fatigue is a common symptom in the Prodrome stage, Niacin can drastically turn the tides on the migraine war. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
Aura: Migraine Stage 2
The second migraine stage would be the aura stage. It is during this second migraine stage where migraine pain begins to build. It is important to note that not every migraine suffer will experience this particular stag, but those that do will begin to endure miserable symptoms such as dizziness (which results in nausea), blurred vision and other vision related problems. This second migraine stage lasts for a few hours before it leads into the third migraine stage which is by far the most challenging of the four.
Ginkgo Biloba
This miracle herb does so many different remedies but the one that can aid you during the rarely experienced Aura stage is the remedy for vertigo. B y restoring your balance and other mental faculties, Ginkgo Biloba can lessen an extreme vertigo that you might experience throughout the headache. This makes you better equipped to stave off any energy draining symptoms.
Headache: Migraine Stage 3
The headache stage is by far the most painful and dreaded of the four migraine stages. Each migraine stage has its own unique set of symptoms but it is this third migraine stage that takes the migraine patient from moderate discomfort to severe discomfort. The symptoms that are connected with this third migraine stage can become so intense that the migraine patient is often left debilitated and bed ridden throughout the duration of his or her migraine attack. When debilitation occurs the migraine patient can miss out on valuable family time as well as work placing a financial burden on the family as a result. The headache stage can last for several days and inflict pain so intense that is creates the following symptoms to be unleashed on the migraine prone individual:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Cognitive Confusion
• Sensitivity To Light And Sound
• Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins. Salix is the primary core compound which is the chief ingredient in the OTC, Aspirin. This herbal supplement can aid the victim during the Headache stage of a migraine by reducing the inflamed blood vessels as well as any other irritated nerves like the trigeminal nerve roots.
Postdrome: Migraine Stage 4
One would think that the fourth migraine stage brings about a breath of fresh air for the migraine patient when in fact the fourth migraine stage still causes lingering effects such as mild head pain, cognitive confusion, extreme fatigue and muscle weakness. If the migraine patient is not careful during this fourth and final migraine stage he or she can overdo it and set his or herself up for another migraine attack to develop. It is important that the migraine prone individual take the necessary time needed to recoup from the last attack before stepping back into a busy life and work schedule.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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