Enduring a migraine headache can take much effort and toll on a person. As a migraine develops, the pain and symptoms seem to increase and force the individual to surrender his or her will to the power that a migraine can hold over them. No one likes to surrender his or will and to do so to a migraine headache over and over again can be very frustrating. Migraines are one of many chronic conditions that have a mighty powerful effect on a person and can leave them caged up in their bedroom far from any light or sound.
Waiting out a migraine headache is a long and tiring process; the body is put through a series of physical and mental exertions that by the end of the migraine attack leaves the migraine victim feeling sore, confused and fatigued. The reason that an individual may feel so weak and tired after enduring a miserable migraine has to do with the process by which a migraine is developed and how a migraine progresses. A migraine develops slowly as the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge; as these blood vessels enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain. The released chemical begins to attack the brains arteries causing extremely large amount of symptoms to spew forward.
Migraine Stages
If you are a chronic migraine sufferer, then you are probably aware of the duration of a migraine and the different stages a migraine progresses through before moving on; but if you are new to migraine headaches, then you may be wondering as to why they take so long to pass. A migraine goes through four different stages and with each migraine stage a new set of symptoms. Learning the different migraine stages and their symptoms can help the migraine prone individual know what to expect and when they can foresee the end.
- Prodrome – several days before any actual pain, best time to implement treatment, symptoms include: fatigue, obsessive yawning, depression, food cravings.
- Aura – affects ones vision, happens only hours before the third and worse migraine stage. Symptoms include: blurred vision, black spots behind eyes and possible dizziness.
- Headache – the worse of the migraine stages and the one that last the longest, symptoms would include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, sensitivity to light and sound.
- Postdrome – final migraine stage! This stage last 1-2 days and symptoms include: fatigue, muscle soreness, cognitive confusion and stiff neck.
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, headache, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, postdrome, prodrome, treating migraines
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