Migraines cause more unnecessary drama than most other illnesses do because the symptoms of a migraine are so vast. They can span from extreme vertigo to constipation, from nausea to being cognitive deficient. These symptoms and more can leave the sufferer out of commission and nearly incapacitated, neglecting work and home responsibilities for several days and beyond. How can a migraine cause so much drama? What happens when a migraine starts? I am glad you asked. Well, an environmental trigger, specific to the person, catalyzes the onset of blood vessels in the brain to enlarge. As these blood vessels expand, they cause a chemical to be released which in turn attacks the arteries in the brain, causing immense pain and mobile devastation. This is the pain associated with the chronic vascular illness; it is categorized as vascular because of how it attacks the blood vessels with in the brain. A migraine is divided into four stages: prodrome, aura, headache and postdrome. The least common of the stages which is experienced by individuals is the aura stage with a participation rate of 25%. Inside this stage, you could experience major visual symptoms such as: zigzag patterns, black spot in vision or even temporary blindness on one side. This stage as well as the others is not something to be thought as easy to get through. You need to avoid triggers and follow a migraine treatment plan.
The Best Treatment
The Migraine Support Formula is a great way to combat migraine that is safe, side effect free. This migraine treatment utilizes all-natural herbs, vitamins and minerals to help minimize the frequency and intensity of your migraine attacks. Here are a few of the ingredients and their known uses:
- Ginger – The ginger root has been used for years to help calm nausea, indigestion and vomiting which are all major symptoms of migraine headaches. The most common product over the counter to contain ginger is ginger ale; ever have a stomach ache?
- Magnesium Citrate – The molecular compound, if taken alone, works as a great laxative, helping out with any constipated needs. However, if used in combination with Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10, it packs a huge punch into knocking out a migraine attack.
Tags: aura, Ginger, headache, Magnesium Citrate, migraine headache, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, prodrome, side effects
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