What is so difficult about a migraine? One can sum that question up with one word – everything! There are many things in life that come with difficulties such as losing weight, saving money and even child birth but when it comes to migraine headaches there are those individuals that would rather endure a root canal then have to live through another migraine attack. What makes a migraine headache so painful? Why is it so difficult to find relief once a migraine has developed? These are all good questions and hopefully this article will provide you with a few answers.
A migraine is so painful due to the way it develops. A migraine develops in the brain and causes the blood vessels to enlarge and or expand. The enlarging or expanding of the blood vessels can causes severe throbbing and pounding in the head making it very difficult for the brain to function. As the blood vessels expand they begin to release a harmful chemical into the brain. This harmful chemical has one sole purpose and that purpose is to attack the brains arteries and send off even more painful and miserable symptoms that not only sends a person running into hiding but leaves them incapacitated for several days.
Migraine Relief
Migraine pain can quickly go from bad to worse in just a matter of hours so it is important that the migraine patient have a plan in place. Migraine pain is not something to play around with and it is not something that should be left untreated. There are some chronic migraine sufferers that have been known to endure fifteen days out of the month with some form of migraine pain. Migraine pain often starts out as a throbbing / pounding pain in the head but then quickly manifest into other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, blurred vision, diarrhea and cognitive confusion. Pains and symptoms such as these can leave a person incapacitated for days unless a preventative migraine treatment plan is in place.
Migraine relief can come in many different forms such as prescription medications and the use of herbal supplements. Chiropractic adjustments have also been known to help relive migraine difficulty as well as acupuncture and massage therapy. Regardless of which migraine relief option you choose it is important that advice and council be sought from a medical professional to insure that safety is had while treatment is being implemented.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Ergots, migraine, neurological condition, pounding, Prescription medication, Riboflavin, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines, Triptans
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