There are many things that can make a person feel crazy or border line insane. Children can cause a person to go crazy, finances and work obligations are to name a few of life’s little insanity moments. Health complications are to name another of life’s crazy events that could potentially arise and complicate matters. A migraine headache is very painful and can limit a person’s ability to maneuver effectively due to the intense throbbing and pounding that takes up residency in the head of the migraine victim. As a migraine develops it places the migraine patient in an uncomfortable position placing extreme difficulties on motor and cognitive skills.
How does a migraine develop? A migraine develops in the brain and causes intense changes to happen both chemically and physically. The changes in the body begin as the blood vessels in the brain begin to swell or enlarge. As the blood vessels in the brain expand they begin to cause a throbbing / pounding sensation to occur. When the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand hey begin to release a harmful chemical into the brain. This released chemical has one sole purpose and that purpose is to attack the brains arteries in a painful and miserable way.
Bring On The Symptoms
As the brain arteries undergo attack they bring a whole slew of miserable symptoms with them that make life extremely difficult and hard to manage. Migraine symptoms have been known to cause a reaction and the setting into motion the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the body that causes the body to want to run and hide away until the pain subsides. The triggering of the sympathetic nervous system creates the desire for exclusion and distance until the migraine dissolves or until a migraine treatment is implemented and starts working.
So what are these symptoms that can change the course of an individual’s life?
- Throbbing / Pounding – often felt on one side of the head, this is often referred to as a unilateral pain which means one side of the head.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Blurred Vision – vision difficulties often are connected with migraines and the migraine patient is often left with black spots behind the eyes.
- Dizziness – the dizziness starts and will quickly lead into nausea and the feeling as though the whole world is pinning out of control.
- Cognitive Confusion – cognitive difficulties come as a result of throbbing pain and the expanding of the blood vessels.
- Sensitivity To Light and Sound – as the pain worsens everything becomes overly heightened.
Migraine symptoms as you can imagine make functioning a bit on the difficult side so there is something that needs to be done to help lessen the migraine pain. Migraine treatment is the key to migraine relief. Without migraine treatment the migraine patient will be left to suffer reoccurring attacks that take him or her out of the throngs of society.
Migraine Treatment Uncovered
Migraine treatment can come in two forms one being the use of prescription medications and the other being a natural approach. Prescription medications are often handed down by medical professionals but not to everyone. Prescription medications are not to be taken out from under the care and supervision of a medical professional, due to their addictive tendencies and complicated side effects medications are not always a safe treatment option. Antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans and even antiseizure medications are just a few of the treatments that might be prescribed so side effects ought to be discussed or at least listed.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Mood Swings
- Irritability
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Kidney Failure
The side effects are often reasons why one chooses to avoid the medication route and go to an alternative treatment. A natural approach would include the use of acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage therapy and or an herbal supplement such as the Migraine Support Formula. Choosing a natural approach to migraine relief is safer and ultimately more effective because the body reacts safely to something safe and natural verses something prescribed and chemically altered. Always proceed with caution when it comes to using any form of treatment without being under the care of a medical professional.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal ingredietns, Magnesium, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Riboflavin
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