Information about migraine headaches may be scarce however the many complications and symptoms associated with a migraine are well known. Migraine headaches and their causes may remain a mystery; researchers, scientist and medical professionals have gathered enough information from test studies, clinical studies and interviews to determine different migraine triggers, symptoms and various migraine treatments that have proven to be somewhat effective in helping relieve the debilitating pain associated with a migraine attack.
Those who suffer with chronic migraine headaches are familiar with the symptoms that they personally experience during a migraine attack; but for those who are new to migraine headaches or are unclear on whether or not the head pain and symptoms, they are enduring are from a migraine or something much more complex than the list of symptoms and migraine complications may be helpful.
Migraine symptoms vary between migraine patients but the most common complained about symptoms would include: nausea, vomiting, constipations, sensitivity to light and sound, cognitive confusion, throbbing / pounding head pain. Migraine symptoms can create several complications to one’s daily life and schedule, making it difficult to see past the migraine pain and into the future with migraine treatment. Migraine symptoms can last for several days worsening with each passing day until they reach a climatic point then slowly the migraine symptoms lessen, but a few take their time completely leaving.
Migraine symptoms include:
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to light / sound
- Throbbing / pounding head pain
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Cognitive Confusion
- Diarrhea
Each migraine patient may have his or her own personal list of migraine symptoms that they personally deal with that may differ from the list given. One particular complication of migraines would include visual impairment. Visual impairment during a migraine is also known as aura. Not every migraine sufferer will develop this particular symptom; however when one does suffer with visual impairment during a migraine, further limitation is had.
Visual complications during a migraine often include black spots behind the eyes, halo effect behind objects and sensitivity to light. Visual complications make migraine headaches feel much more intense it is important that a migraine treatment is sought in order to help reduce the amount of time and frustration during a migraine attack.
Tags: Cognitive Confusion, headache, migraine attack, Migraine Support Formula, nausea, neurological condition, Sensitivity to light / sound, symptoms, Throbbing
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