Migraine headaches are one of the most common complaints amongst humans. A migraine headache affects over twenty million people and can cause normal daily activities and schedules to cease operation. The head pain and symptoms associated with a migraine are not only limiting but are debilitating. There are those individuals who are literally unable to function while undergoing a migraine attack.
Well-known risk factors for migraine prone individuals would include: age, gender, family migraine history and other personal medical concerns. Though migraines are a common problem, it seems as though statistically more women suffer from migraine frequencies and headaches than men. Migraines are a chronic neurological condition that is often diagnosed by moderate to severe head pain to the point of pain induced vomiting. A migraine headache is a unilateral pain often felt on one side of the head and can last for several days.
Hormone fluctuation
It would appear that migraine headaches are three times more common in men than women. The theory behind this statistic rest heavily on the hormone fluctuation before, during or after a woman’s monthly menstrual. It has been reported that the changes in a women’s estrogen levels during her monthly menstrual can spur on a severe headache. The few days leading up to the menstrual cycle a women’s estrogen levels plummet causing a drastic shift in the hormone levels and leaving a women prone to a headache.
If the headaches become a consistent thing each and every month, it would be somewhat safe to diagnosis the headaches as menstrual migraines. Menstrual migraines affect 70% of women migraine sufferers and they add to the frustration of a monthly cycle. There are several migraine menstrual triggers that help aid in the migraine development such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. Studies have shown that birth controls with high levels of estrogen can drastically increase migraine frequencies and migraine pain.
One safe menstrual migraine treatment would be the implementation of the Migraine Support Formula. The Migraine Support Formula is a safe and natural ingredient that has been clinically tested and proven to decrease migraine frequencies by half and some Migraine Support Formula users reported a complete elimination of all migraine pain.
Tags: headache, menstrual migraines, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment
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