Whenever there is some form of head pain, it is important to decipher what type of head pain is being experienced. There are several different classifications of headaches so in order to diagnosis a migraine headache several characteristics have to be in place. Severe tension headaches and migraines differ from each other and it is important to know the differences in order to effectively treat them.
Your typical headache differs drastically from a migraine but can still cause a disruption to one’s daily life. Headaches come on quickly without any warning and can cloud one’s mind temporarily. Headaches can bring about moderate head pain and last for several hours. Very few symptoms are associated with headaches other than the head pain itself which is often described as a pulsating sensation felt in the head, down through the neck and even into the back. Treating headaches with over the counter medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Motrin are typically effective treatment options.
Migraines on the other hand can cause severe interruptions in one’s daily life; migraines creep on slowly and bring with the moderate to severe pain. Migraines are not short lived; they have the potential to last up to seventy two long hours. Symptoms associated with migraine headaches are debilitating and can incapacitate an individual for days on end. Migraine head pain is a unilaterally felt pain and is described as a pounding / throbbing feeling right above the eye. Migraine symptoms include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Cognitive Confusion
- Blurred Vision
Migraine symptoms may seem like they never end. The reason migraine headaches last forever has to do with the way a migraine develops. A migraine develops slowly as the blood vessels in the brain expand the pain worsens. Chronic migraines are considered a neurological condition that affects the chemical balance in the brain. A migraine develops as the blood vessels in the brain expand and release harmful chemicals into the brain to attack the brains arteries; as the arteries go under attack, the onset of the migraine symptoms begin.
Migraine treatment is the only effective way one can relive his or her self from the painful grasps of a migraine. Before attempting any migraine treatment, it is imperative that a correct diagnosis is made and that a treatment plan be discussed with a medical professional.
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, nausea, neurological condition, pounding, Throbbing
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