Silence, darkness, the need to completely escape the world and responsibilities that exist within it is the mentality (the only mentality) one suffering with a migraine headache has when undergoing an intense migraine attack. Migraine pain is an intense head pain that resides deep within and tends to plague one side of the head right above the eye. At the start of a migraine, a dull pain begins to creep in and threaten to cloud ones comprehension abilities; as the migraine worsens and moves from stage one to stage three of migraine pain, the only possible solution is to escape the chaos, relinquish duties and find a place to wait it out.
Migraine Symptoms
Chronic migraine sufferers know the four migraine stages well and can quote with confidence the symptoms one will experience during each stage of a migraine knowing all too well what the next few days will entail for the poor victim. Symptoms are brought on as result of chemicals attacking the brain arteries. Chemicals are released in the brain as the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge. Common migraine symptoms include:
- Nausea
- Pounding/ throbbing in the head
- Vomiting
- Muscle weakness
- Blurred vision
- Cognitively confusion
Trying to function and maintain a level of productivity while experiencing migraine symptoms is close to impossible, hence why migraine headaches are one of the world’s leading reason men and women give for missing work. The debilitating migraine symptoms are often the driving force behind the search for a migraine treatment plan.
Treatment Plan
Creating and having a treatment plan on hand is important in the process of reducing the painful migraine symptoms. In order to establish a migraine treatment plan, research on migraine treatments needs to be executed as well as information gathered on clinical studies that have been done on migraines and treatments. Once research has been done and information has been gathered, an appointment with a medical professional should be arranged in order to discuss findings and a treatment plan that is both safe and effective.
Treatment plans can consist of prescription medications that have been proven to help reduce migraine pain or one could bypass medication and seek out natural solutions that are safer and more beneficial to the patient in the long run. Having a treatment plan will help decrease migraine attacks while increasing one’s productivity and enjoyment they receive out of life!
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine treatment plan, nausea
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