Living through a migraine headache is like running a triathlon; there are several stages by which one must progress through in order to get through it. Migraine attacks are severe and painful. When training for a triathlon, one endures much pain as he or she gets their body in shape to meet the grueling demands that he or she will face during the competition. When enduring a migraine headache, the migraine sufferer is sent through a series of painful stages that takes his or her body and sends it through the ringer as it moves closer and closer to the finish line.
Unlike a migraine headache, a triathlon is much shorter and in a lot of ways less painful. Migraine headaches are slow moving and intensify with time. There are four distinct migraine stages that a migraine sufferer must progress through before he or she can return to life as normal. Each migraine stage has their own unique pattern and once the stages and patters are known than the migraine sufferer will have a clear understanding of what he or she should do to help relieve their migraine pain and do during each migraine stage.
Migraine Stages
As a migraine moves from one stage to another, the pain increases and the productivity and cognitive skills drastically decrease; this is why it is so important to not only know which stage you are in but to have a migraine plan in place so that those in your life will be able to function without you for a few days.
Stage 1 is the prodrome stage. This stage is the best stage to implement a preventative treatment. It is during the prodrome stage where signs such as extreme fatigue, obsessive yawning, and increased irritability and food cravings may occur.
Stage 2 is the aura stage and not every migraine sufferer will experience this stage. During the aura stage visual complications will begin just hours before the headache and most intense stage begins. Blurred vision, dizziness and black spots behind the eyes are all symptoms of the aura stage.
Stage 3 is the most severe stage and it is during this stage that most migraine sufferers become immobile. Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, throbbing and pounding head pain. Nothing treatment wise will be beneficial during this stage.
Finally stage 4 the Postdrome stage means that the end is in sight! Mild symptoms still linger such as head pain, fatigue and mild cognitive confusion but it will only last a day or two.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, neurological condition, treating migraines
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