When it comes to looking at life and making projections for the future, it is important that a person consider what is heading his or her way. Making plans for the future involves taking into consideration everything including one’s health. One very much overlooked health concern would be the concern that chronic migraine headaches can cause. Chronic migraines are not a new condition they have been around since the start of time and affect more then twenty million men and women world wide. The thing about migraine headaches is that they do not just appear out of thin air and then dissipate. Migraine headaches takes their time developing and they choose to stick around for long periods of time inflicting misery on all who are forced to endure a migraine.
Migraine headaches are a progression they progress through four different unique stages. Each migraine stage brings with it unique symptoms and side effects. Learning the different migraine stages, stage order and stage duration can help the migraine patient know what to expect and how to cope with the pain. The four stages of a migraine would be: prodrome, aura, headache and lastly the postdrome stage, the information in the next few paragraphs can help explain the symptoms a bit further.
The prodrome stage is the first stage of a migraine and it is during this particular stage that preemptive warning signs are had. Symptoms during this stage would include: bouts of depression, fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and insomnia. The prodrome stage can start several days before any actual head pain and can last several days.
The aura stage is not had by every migraine sufferer but when a migraine sufferer experiences this particular stage the symptoms he or she will have effect the vision and cause black spots behind the eyes, dizziness as well as blurred vision. The aura stage often sets in a few hours before the worst of the stages.
The third and most severe migraine stage is the headache stage. The headache stage can last up to three days and brings on severe symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, constipation, sensitivity to light and sound as well as throbbing or pounding in the head.
The last and final stage would be the postdrome stage. This last stage last for several days and brings with it several lingering symptoms such as: fatigue, mild head pain and extremeweakness
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment
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