The on-going migraine victim is no novice to the immense pain that a migraine can carry with it; plus they are more prone to finding themselves getting carried away with focusing too much on the various migraine phases and when the intense pain would start and they will discover themselves incapacitated as a product. The reason that a migraine can become so harmful pertains to the four different stages that a migraine travels through. A migraine can require a lot time to progress and over some time, the headache grows to the pinnacle of intensity that the migraine sufferer looses their cognitive response time and can’t see to make a clear decision at all.
When a migraine develops it causes the blood vessels in the brain to expand to the point of causing severe throbbing/pounding in the head but when does the pain start? Unlike a headache a migraine develops overtime and takes a while to fully manifest and cause pain. As you get to know the different stages of a migraine it becomes clear as to which stage the migraine pain develops and which stage brings relief.
Stage #1
The prodrome stage is the most vital of the four migraine stages; it is the stage that presents the best chance for the migraine sufferer to put into play a treatment. The first stage of a migraine comes with no pain only symptoms like fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and depression. The symptoms of the first migraine stage lasts for two or three days.
Prescription Medication
Prevention is always the key, however, once a migraine has begun medication is sometimes the only way to stop the agonizing pain in a quick manner is with the use of medication. Some of the most common classifications of medication used in migraine treatment are over the counter medications (such as Ibuprofen, Excedrin, or Aleve), Ergot, vasoconstrictor combinations, and the use of Triptans. A few examples of Prophylactic medication are Beta Blockers, Calcium-channel Blockers, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Ant serotonin Agents, as well as Anticonvulsants. When it comes to the treatment of migraines prescription medication, while often necessary, should be one of the last treatments tried in helping to relieve migraine symptoms.
Stage #2
The aura stage is not experienced by all but when the aura stage is experienced, it brings with it symptoms like blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and even moments of dizziness or temporary blindness in one eye. The aura stage creeps on mere hours before the onset of the worst of the migraine pain. Also one of the most frustrating things about the Aura stage is the chance that you could experience Cortical Spreading Depression. This occurs when nerves are slowly depressed over time and a great amount of nerve inflammation take place in the head as a result.
Massage Therapy can be a very useful migraine treatment, especially if the headaches and migraines are triggered by stress or tension. A massage therapist is trained in working the muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, and back in order to increase blood flow in those areas and help relieve muscle tension. Additional studies have shown that the use of massage therapy along with chiropractic care can be even more beneficial. This is because when given first, massage therapy can help to loosen the muscles in the head, shoulders, and neck and produce better results with spinal manipulation.
Stage #3
The headache stage is the worst of the migraine pain. The headache stage can last up to three days and brings with it miserable symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, extreme vertigo, cognitive confusion and sensitivity to light and sound.
Chiropractic Manipulation
Chiropractic care or spinal manipulation therapy has been a proven method for people searching for an alternative migraine therapy. Research has shown that in the case of tension and migraine headaches, manipulative therapy can be as effective as preventative medications in aiding the migraine sufferer in stopping the onset of a migraine attack. Once a migraine has begun, chiropractic therapy can also greatly reduce the painful symptoms if care is given in a timely manner.
Stage #4
The postdrome stage is the fourth and final migraine stage. It is during this fourth migraine stage that migraine victim has several days to try and recoup from the migraine marathon. During this fourth migraine stage, mild symptoms are still felt like head pain and muscle weakness, like they are hung over from a night of partying.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, postdrome, prodrome, stages of migraines
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