When dealing with chronic migraine headaches, most sufferers just want to curl up in a ball, turn off all of the lights and wade out the pain until it stops. Unfortunately, this process of migraine can take 3 days or more to fulfill its task; missed work and family obligations are a must. Each year, millions of Americans suffer and use migraine headaches as the top reason for missing work due to illness. This is an epidemic and without a cure, migraine quickly takes the lead as the most frequent debilitate disease around.
The Process
Once a migraine sufferer encounters a trigger for their migraine, the chain reaction will begin to take place. First, the blood vessels in the brain will start to expand and enlarge causing a chemical to be released into the brain. As the chemical is released, it begins to attack the arteries in the brain causing such immense pain that most want death instead of enduring in agony. This pain and other symptoms will continue until the blood vessels that started the process return back to their original shape and viscosity. Some of the other symptoms experienced might include: sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, constipation, blurred vision, dizziness, fatigue loss of some motor function, loss of cognitive reasoning, extreme vertigo and even temporary blindness in one eye. Relief from these and many others can only be seen by the use of a migraine treatment.
Would You Like A Treatment?
The following are some of the migraine treatment options available to the public today. Consult with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment is best for you.
- Massage Therapy – Neck / back tension is a migraine trigger; therefore, releasing that tension by the way of a massage therapist can result in less migraine occurrences and weaker symptoms.
- Prescription Drugs – Ergots and Triptans are the meds of choice by many a doctor and patient. Yet because they constrict the blood vessels in your body, Triptans and Ergots can have an adverse effect on your vascular system by a risk of heart attack, thus even death can occur. So weigh your options carefully.
- Migraine Support Formula – This specialized formula uses an exact combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbs to combat and lessen the effects that a migraine has on the body. Ginger, Vitamin B2, Niacin are among the ingredients.
Tags: blurred vision, Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, Migraines, nausea, neurological condition, stress, treating migraines
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