The more prevalent migraine symptoms would most defiantly include severe head pain, but before the actual climatic severe head pain forms, there is still a few other elusive migraine symptoms most miss. Indirect migraine symptoms such as blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes, dizziness and visual difficulties often occur just a few short hours before the intense migraine head agony begins and threatens to extinguish one’s capacity to concentrate and remain erect.
Once the nastiest of the migraine symptoms begin, the migraine sufferer struggles to remain upright and active. Migraine symptoms range from bad to worse and only strengthen over time. The climatic migraine symptoms would include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Sensitivity to light/sound
• Cognitive Confusion
• Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
• Paleness
As you can imagine, a migraine is no joy ride and once the actual symptoms are recognized than the migraine sufferer can speak to his / her doctor about possible migraine treatments. Once the climatic migraine symptoms have passed, the weary migraine sufferer is left with a few lingering symptoms such as exhaustion, mild head pain, muscle weakness and cloudiness of the mind.
A Mechanism Of Coping
When pain predominates a body, it becomes painfully difficult to maintain any type of professional front when everything inside of us is pulling us towards seclusion. Migraine headaches are one example that shows how difficult it can be to maintain a personal front and continue with household chores, childcare and work responsibilities when all our body wants is isolation. For those who suffer with lingering migraines, the need to flee and seek solace can become a risk for job security. A chronic migraine implies a reoccurring condition where missed work may result, thus causing problems at work which could then lead to financial trouble at home. Each person on the face of the earth has some way that they deal with life situations and or pain. Coping mechanisms differ for everyone but what everyone has in common is that we all have a body that responds to pain. We may not all respond the same way, but there is a distinct part of us all known as or referred to as the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of our being that has sends out the desire to run and hide.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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