The condition known as migraine can be categorized by two distinct systems in your body: the vascular and neurological systems. The migraine originates from and affects both systems uniquely and in conjunction with each other. First, the vascular system is affected by the migraine when blood vessels begin to expand as a migraine trigger is experienced by the patient. The blood will expand and continue to do so causing a chemical to be released into the brain. This chemical will in turn attack the arteries in the brain causing the immense pain associated with migraine headaches. However, that is only part of the problem; as the chemical is released and maybe even before it is released, Cortical Spreading Depression causes an inflammation in the cranial nerve roots and specifically the trigeminal nerve which controls the sensory receptors in the face and scalp. The CSD, as it is abbreviated, has been determined as a plausible trigger and cause of migraine attacks in some individuals. This process can last hours but usually last up to three days or more. The inflammation of the trigeminal nerve brings with it intense pain and coupled with the chemically attacked arteries, the pain becomes more than you can handle without help from a migraine treatment option.
Treating The Symptoms
By treating the symptoms of the migraine, you bear the brunt of the chronic illness and not be so directly influence by its awesome power. This condition has the ability to knock you out and steal you from your work and family obligations. Therefore the use of a migraine treatment can alleviate the pain and other symptoms which would otherwise incapacitate you for several days. Consult with you primary care physician to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. Here is one of your migraine treatment options.
- Migraine Support Formula – This amazing formula was researched and discovered by a man who wanted to relieve the chronic pain his wife was facing. The Migraine Support Formula utilizes a precise combination of all-natural herbs, vitamins and mineral compounds to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine and its symptoms. It has been proven to be the safest and most effective migraine treatments available to the end user today.
Tags: Acupuncture, blurred vision, chiropractic adjustments, dizziness, enlarged blood vessels, Ginger, head pain, lightheadedness, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine symptoms, nausea, vomiting
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