Contrary to common thought and popular belief, herbal ingredients have stood the test of time and have actually come back around full circle as a useful treatment for certain conditions. Herbal ingredients have been around for thousands of years and were in fact the first “medicines” used in the treatment of illnesses and conditions. In the past decade, the use of supplements and herbs have become much more socially normal as well as more recognized within the medical world as an alternative migraine treatment.
• Vitamin B2 – this supplement is a highly effective natural migraine treatment option. In fact, studies have shown that Vitamin B-12 can actually decrease both the frequency and severity of a migraine.
• Coenzyme Q10 – this is naturally found within the cells of the body and is a key to the cells proper function. When taken in supplemental form Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to have beneficial outcomes for migraine sufferers who are seeking a more natural migraine treatment plan.
What is Over the Counter Medicine?
By definition in the United States, over the counter medicine (also called OTC drugs) is basically medication that is deemed to be safe by the FDA for the purpose of being sold directly to the purchaser without the need of a prescription being written by a physician. The Federal Trade Commission (FDA) does require that all over the counter medicine produces are labeled with an approved drug facts label in order to properly educate consumers of the active and inactive ingredients, indications and purpose, safety warnings, as well as directions for use of the medications. Over the counter medicine such as Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, or Excedrin were intended to be used for temporary pain, relief of fever, or perhaps the relief of inflammation, but were never actually intended to be used as a treatment for migraine, especially if the migraine sufferer experiences recurrent or frequent migraines.
Attacking Your Brain
Unfortunately, the above OTC meds don’t even throw a stick at the monstrous headache of the migraine process. The third migraine stage is the attack stage or headache stage of the migraine process. This is the stage where the most discomfort is felt by the individual. Symptoms of the attack stage include pain in the head (usually unilaterally and often either pulsating or throbbing in nature), sensitivity to light, sounds, and sometimes even smells, Nausea, Vomiting, Blurred Vision, Diarrhea, Lightheadedness, as well as sometimes even fainting.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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