What a blessed thought to think of for a migraine patient that migraine pain may go away one day. Migraine headaches are a miserable chronic condition that can force a person into hiding for several days. Some migraine headache sufferers report that they suffer with several headaches during the month as much as fifteen days out of the month are spent hiding away in the misery. The migraine symptoms that migraine patients deal with can be crippling and cause an inability to think coherently and perform the slightest of motor skills.
The reason that a migraine can be so miserable to live with has to do with the way a migraine develops. A migraine develops in the brain and causes the enlarging of the blood vessels. The enlarging of the blood vessels of the brain is what causes severe throbbing or pounding in the brain right above the eye. The throbbing and pounding sensation in the head has to do with the enlarging of the blood vessels but the throbbing and pounding is only the start of the migraine symptoms. As the blood vessels in the brain expand, they begin to release a harmful chemical into the brain, the released chemical then create war on the brains arteries.
Symptoms And Treatment
The symptoms of a migraine headache may start slowly but once the climatic point of the migraine hits the symptoms move quickly from bad to worse. Symptoms of a migraine would include the following:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Blurred Vision
- Sensitivity To Light And Sound
- Dizziness
The symptoms listed are just a few of the symptoms that can accompany a migraine attack. Migraine symptoms are what prevent functionality so when they begin to emerge they can leave a person unable to juggle all his or her responsibilities.
The only way a migraine patient can cope with these types of symptoms while maintaining his or her sanity is through a migraine treatment. Migraine treatment can consist of prescription medications and or herbal supplements. Medications can have several adverse side effects on the body such as depression, heart attack, stokes and kidney failure. Herbal supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula is a natural and safe way to encourage migraine relief.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, herbal remedies, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, Prescription medication, symptoms, treating migraines
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