My family was in sales most of my life with a picture framing business; I was heavily exposed to talking to people and peddling a product. So, when it came to fundraisers at my school, I was pretty good at it, plus I had the cute factor. We did brochure shoppers, cookie dough, candles, just about everything; however, the product I remember the most was selling chocolate – World’s Finest Chocolate to be precise. The smell, the taste – it brings me back to a supermarket called Kash ‘N’ Karry where I would sell these once delicious bars of chocolate. I sold one bar to almost everyone yet there a few people that didn’t because they said, “I can’t have chocolate.” What could that mean? Would chocolate hurt? As a kid, I couldn’t understand how the greatest substance known to man could hurt someone; now I know why. Chocolate can be and is to many people a trigger for migraines because of its rich caffeine content. I know this because I am now affected by chocolate in that any quantities of it cause an immense migraine headache and without a clear migraine treatment plan, I would become immobilized for days as a time. Once a migraine has been “triggered,” there is no stopping it completely; those triggers can be sneaky little boogers as well. You must identify your triggers if you plan to defeat the migraine artillery; they will continue to bombard you until their ammo is out doing so through intense pain. Here are a number of triggers that are plausible for many migraine sufferers:
- Light
- Drinks
- Smoking
- Foods
- Caffeine
- Weather Changes
- Alcohol
- Humidity / Dry Air
- Neck / Back Tension
It is clear to see: if you pull the trigger on your migraine gun, it can be near impossible to dodge the bullet. You must develop and research possible options for your migraine treatment plan; it’s your only hope in minimizing the intensity and frequency of your migraine attacks. When you do decide on a migraine treatment that will work best for you, consult your primary care physician for advice. A rash choice must have painful consequences.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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