Those who are familiar with migraine headaches and the debilitating effect one can have you may be able to sympathize, relate or comment on what will be discussed in the next few paragraphs. A migraine attack falls into the category of a vascular headache. A vascular headache is called such due to the effect the headache has on the brains arteries. Migraines are more than just a severely painful headache they are considered to be a neurological condition because the migraine suffer undergoes a series of physiological changes as a result.
In the early preemptive migraine stage commonly referred to as the prodrome, a chronic migraine sufferer may begin to sense or notice changes with their mood, emotions as well as their physical state of being. During the prodrome stage fatigue, increased irritability and muscle soreness are early warning signs that more severe symptoms are on their way. During this first migraine stage, it is imperative that physical activity is limited, rest is had and preemptive migraine medication is administered to help lessen the blow of the next three migraine stages.
Time To Prepare!
Once the irritability, emotional havoc and body aches have plagued their migraine victim a new set of symptoms can begin to develop such as blurred vision, dizziness, and black polka dots. This second stage of a migraine headache is known as the aura stage. Not every migraine sufferer will endure this odd stage, but those that do should be aware that within hours the onset of the third stage should occur.
The third stage of a migraine is the worst; it is during this headache stage that the migraine symptoms are at their peak. A migraine is brought on by the enlarging of the brains blood vessels, when these blood vessels enlarge the blood vessels release chemicals into the brain to torment the brains arteries. During the enlarging of the blood vessels, migraine symptoms go from severe to immobilizing.
Hang In There
The final stage of a migraine is known as the Postdrome stage. The Postdrome stage may not come until three days after the prodrome stage, but when it does come the migraine suffer can take comfort in knowing that the worst of the pain is gone and all they endure now is the aftermath symptoms such as tiredness, mild head pain and muscle soreness. From start to finish a migraine could last anywhere from a few hours to a few days; it is important that those who suffer with chronic migraines seek the advice and counsel of a medical professional on migraine treatment options that could help lessen the migraine frequencies.
Tags: migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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