There seems to be a process for everything in life. Cooking comes in stages, cleaning, filling out bills, applying for a credit card and migraine headaches. Nothing is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. When it comes to living with chronic migraines there is a process by which a migraine develops and progresses. A migraine does not appear out of thin air they take several days to fully develop and during the development stage the body undergoes several changes as well that increases the progression into a migraine.
A migraine headache moves through four distinct stages and during each stage the migraine becomes worse. Learning the four stages, their symptoms and progression can help lessen the migraine duration and here is how. The first stage of a migraine is the most crucial due to the fact that there is no head pain only symptoms. If the migraine patient learns the symptoms of the first migraine stage he or she is able to implement a treatment quickly and it will have the best chance of being effective.
Stage 1 Prodrome
The first stage is the least amount of pain and by far the most critical. During this first stage the migraine patient will endure symptoms such as fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and irritability. When symptoms such as these show up it is time to implement a migraine treatment plan.
Stage 2 Aura
The second migraine stage is known as the aura stage and this stage plays tricks on the victim’s sight. Blurred vision, dizziness and black spots behind the eyes are often connected with this migraine stage. Not every migraine victim will experience the aura stage but when they do they know that the worst is right around the corner.
Stage 3 Headache
The headache stage is by far the most painful. It is during this third migraine stage that the symptoms begin to pour out such as nausea, vomiting constipation and cognitive confusion. The headache stage often last 2-3 days.
Stage 4 Postdrome
The fourth and final stage is the Postdrome stage. During this last migraine stage the migraine victims have time to recoup. Symptoms such as muscle weakness and mild head pain might linger for a day or two but then life goes back to normal!
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, headache, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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