There is much about migraine headaches that is still a mystery, but the information that is known about the topic can help the chronic migraine suffer face each day of the migraine with a little more confidence and assurance knowing that soon the migraine pain will cease and some relief will be had before the next attack comes on. The first thing a migraine sufferer needs to be made aware of is that the migraine patient undergoes through four migraine stages. Each migraine stage is filled with its own pain and complications but each stage brings the migraine patient one stage closer to coming out on the other side.
The Prodrome Stage
The first migraine stage is the Prodrome stage and this stage is by far the most important. The Prodrome stage is when no head pain exists only preemptive warning signs like fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and even bouts of depression. This first migraine stage takes several days to develop and once they do the migraine patient should implement a preventative treatment in order to lessen the impending attack.
The Aura Stage
The aura stage is the second migraine stage and one of the most interesting. Not every migraine sufferer will endure this peculiar migraine stage but those that do experience this aura stage do so several hours before the attack of the third and most horrific migraine stage. It is the aura stage that brings about odd symptoms like dizziness, blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and the overall feeling of complete misery.
The Headache Stage
The third migraine stage is the real kicker. It is here that the migraine takes a severe turn and the head pain becomes severe and can leave the migraine patient debilitated and unmoving. Symptoms range from nausea to cognitive confusion. These miserable symptoms can lasts up to two days and leave the patient feeling weak.
The Postdrome Stage
The fourth and final stage is when the migraine patient takes time to recoup. The body needs time to heal and gather strength so for a day or two the body will remain weak and the head still aches but the end is in sight and soon the migraine patient can get back to life.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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