Have you ever been on your way to an event and your daughter starts throwing up in the car all over her brand new dress and you didn’t bring a change of clothes? Yeah….this has happened to me and my wife. Not a fun experience when you consider the wasted time and money lost from a well-planned evening. Yet children and other outside forces will not be the only thing that can ruin a nice outing; migraine sufferer know full-well what havoc a migraine can play on your schedule and daily plans. So how can you avoid such a catastrophe? There are two things that you can do. First, you can avoid triggers of the migraine and secondly, you can use a migraine treatment on a regular basis.
Triggers are used in a number of things in life such as a gun; if you never pull the trigger, the gun will never fire. Therefore, if you can avoid migraine triggers, you won’t have any migraine attacks. It’s simple logic; however, it is easier said than done. Here are some known migraine triggers and you’ll see what I mean: bright light, loud noises, neck / back tension, weather changes, humidity, stress, hunger, fatigue, lack of sleep or too much sleep, caffeine, certain foods, smells like cigarette smoke or body odor, chocolate, and even alcohol. If you really tried to avoid all of these, you would be avoiding life which is a terrible way to live, or not live. One thing that does help in avoiding trigger is to keep migraine diary. Journaling will help pinpoint trigger events and track daily routines that could cause the onset of a migraine.
Treat It! Treat It!
When dealing with a chronic migraine headache condition, you have to use a migraine treatment option to help minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine symptoms. There are a number of treatments out on the market and all claim to work with no side effects; unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Consult with your primary doctor to determine which migraine treatment will be right for you. Do your research and make a wise decision, as a rushed choice could cause you harm.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, Fatigue, hallucinations, migraine, migraine attack, migraine triggers, nausea, sensitivity to light or sound, strange food cravings, vertigo, vomiting, zigzag vision
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