How does one diagnosis a migraine headache? Have you ever wondered? Migraine complaints are so common, yet very few people are even aware of what a true migraine headache is. Migraines are often used to describe severe headaches when in actuality migraines and headaches are two very different conditions.
Headaches are brought on quickly and with little warning. They are easily treatable with over the counter medicines such as Advil, Tylenol and Motrin. Headaches can be bothersome, but rarely come with any debilitating symptoms and never last more than a few hours. Migraines on the other hand creep on slowly, cannot be pacified with simple over the counter medicines, bring about several debilitating symptoms and can last for several days. Headaches do not favor any particular side of the head; migraines tend to penetrate in a unilateral way right above the eye.
Due to the vast information regarding migraine headaches and migraine causes, the exact diagnosis of a migraine is difficult; therefore most medical professionals request of their patient claiming to be chronic sufferers to fill out a full headache history. Once the information has been compiled, the next step would be to journal or log headaches over a designated period of time. The journal and log would include symptoms, migraine duration and frequencies. Diagnosing migraines if typically done when the frequency of the head pain is so much that is warrants a complaint.
Treating Migraines
Treating migraines can be somewhat of a challenge. Without the knowledge existing of what causes frequent migraines in some individuals finding, an effective migraine treatment may prove to be difficult. Most medical professionals are limited with that they can do to help ease their patients pain levels to they tend to prescribe medications that are not designed or equipped to treat migraine headaches. Prescription medication comes with side effects and in most cases does not offer a long lasting relief.
Natural alternatives such as the use of vitamins and herbs will not only help relieve migraine pain it can decrease the overall frequency of migraine attacks. A holistic approach to treating migraines is safer on the individual and longer lasting than any prescription that can be offered by a doctor.
Tags: migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine treatment, nausea, pounding, Prescription medication, symptoms, treating migraines
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