Imagine you have had a long day at the office or in the field. Your feet hurt and the once comfortable outfit you picked out that morning is now starting rub you the wrong way. You have been stuck in traffic for 30 minutes and to top it all off, you have to make a stop at the grocery store to pick some items for your family before you get home. Once you arrive, all you want is to sit down, sigh and drink an ice cold beverage like a Coke. However for many migraine sufferers, certain drinks, especially those laced with caffeine, can be triggers which are the catalysts for the migraine chain reaction. Caffeine is a weird substance; it can help stop migraines in some people and cause migraines in others. So you must be knowledgeable of your triggers and know how to limit them by following your migraine treatment plan. Along with caffeine, the following are many known triggers:
- Loud Noises
- Foods
- Dry Air
- Humidity
- Weather Changes
- Bright Light
- Tense Muscles in the Back and Neck
Follow The Plan, Stan
There are a number of migraine treatment options that you can choose from and depending the medical professional you consult with, you will get as many first choice solutions. Everyone has a opinion but you must narrow down these migraine treatment options into plan that best fits you. Here are a couple of your choices:
- Prescription Medication – Triptans and Ergots were never designed to treat migraines but medical professionals have discovered that if you can change the temperature of the body and/or vascular tension on the brain, you can minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine. Unlike triptans which constrict the blood vessels most everywhere, ergots constrict the blood vessels closest to the heart which can be extremely dangerous. Both have very serious side effects; don’t take them lightly.
- Therapeutic Massage – When you have a tense neck or don’t sleep well and you wake up with a stiff back, you might be well on your way to a migraine filled day. But a massage…oh…a massage could take care of your stiffness and help eliminate the raging headache you are experiencing. Through special pressure points and age-old techniques, your technician will get you well on your way.
Tags: Ergots, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine treatment, Prescription medication, side effects, theraptuic masage, Triptans
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