If you are a chronic migraine sufferer and have the desire to fight the pain that the migraine causes on a reoccurring basis then you must be made aware of the four different stages. Each migraine stage has its own unique symptoms and if the stages are handled correctly and recognized by order than migraine treatment can be sought and implemented at a specific time drastically decreasing the severity of a migraine attack.
Migraine stages progress and worsen overtime and if the migraine is left untreated than the migraine patient is left suffering with debilitating symptoms. With the first migraine stage there are subtle symptoms that are easily missed making it even more important that a migraine patient be made aware of what each migraine stage can cause.
Prodrome Stage
The first migraine stage is the Prodrome stage and the first migraine stage is believed to be the most effective time to treat a migraine. Symptoms of the first migraine stage would include food cravings, obsessive yawning and depression. During the first migraine stage no head pain is had only extreme fatigue and the symptoms mentioned.
Aura Stage
The second migraine stage is the aura stage and not a stage that every migraine sufferer endures. During this second stage the migraine patient could begin to experience blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and dizziness. The aura stage sets in after the Prodrome stage and can last for several hours. During this second stage the migraine patient may begin to experience dizziness right before the onset of the third and most painful migraine stage.
Headache Stage
The headache stage is by far the most severe and most painful. The third stage causes several symptoms to unfold and complicate life. Symptoms during this stage would include nausea, vomiting, constipation and Throbbing / pounding head pain. The third stage of a migraine can last up to three days if a treatment plan was not put into place during the first stage.
The Postdrome stage is the fourth and final stage of a migraine, this particular stage lasts two or three days and it is during this stage that the body recoups. Muscle weakness and soreness is normal during this stage but the end is in sight!
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, Magnesium, Massage Therapy, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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