Up close and the invasion of personal space is meant only for close friends and family, so why is it that every time one goes out in public they are rubbing shoulders with and getting friendly with every migraine trigger imaginable? Good question and the answer is…..because they are unavoidable. Unless you are a master of disguise there is no getting around migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors whether physiological or environmental that plays a key role in the onset of a migraine headache.
Migraine triggers are everywhere and unless a migraine sufferer decides to go into hiding there is no way to escape or avoid encountering them. When a migraine trigger is encountered the following process takes place. Migraine symptoms begin to slyly creep in such as fatigue, food cravings, mood swings and insomnia shortly after an encounter with a trigger has occurred. A few days later some migraine sufferers begin to struggle with their vision and complain about black spots or blurry vision these symptoms typically last only a few hours before the onset of excruciating head pain takes over all clarity of thought and hangs on for several days refusing to let up.
Severe migraine pain and symptoms can last up to seventy two hours and leave an individual incapacitated and immobile. Migraine Triggers could include any of the following:
- Stress
- Weather
- Hormones
- Sleep – interrupted, disturbed, not enough or too much
- Alcohol
- Foods
- Chocolate
- Aged Cheese
- Caffeine
- Odors
- Body Odor
- Perfume
- Cigarette Smoke
Migraine triggers may be part of what causes the onset of a migraine but they do not have to keep winning and besting migraine patients out of enjoying life. Triggers may not be avoidable but they are treatable. Migraine treatment plans work wonders against the fighting of and the reduction of migraine frequencies and migraine durations. Migraine treatment is most effective when implemented in the first stage; however Migraine Support Formula is a migraine preventative treatment that can be taken as part of one’s daily regime. The Migraine Support Formula is a pill that can be taken daily orally to help reduce and even eliminate migraines from your life forever! The Migraine Support Formula is a natural product that has been clinically tested and approved.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, Massage Therapy, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, neurological condition, stress, treating migraines
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13 years ago
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the wekeend figuring this one out!