Once a migraine headache has begun to manifest itself into a series of painful sensations such as throbbing / pounding feeling in the head, very few options remain for the migraine victim other than to sit back and wait it out. Migraine headaches can last for several days and render a patient useless during the duration of the migraine attack. Migraines unlike headaches do not creep up on an individual and take them by surprise. Migraine headaches are slow moving misery makers that develop over several days and if the sign are learned migraine prone individuals can do something other than wait.
Migraines do not appear overnight so what can a chronic migraine sufferer do to help reduce his or her migraine pain without causing further harm to their body? The first thing a migraine sufferer can do is learn the different stages of a migraine so that he or she can know when is the best time to treat the migraine before it reaches the point of no return. The second step would be to seek out a migraine treatment that is approved by his or her medical professional and then use the migraine treatment religiously. Migraine headaches progress through four different stages and each stage has its own unique set of symptoms and time line. Learning the different stages and their timeline can help a migraine sufferer not only prepare his or her treatments but prep his or her family for the next several days.
First stage is known as the prodrome stage and it is here that migraine treatment if implemented is most effective. No head pain is felt during this stage just tiredness, food cravings, mood swings and feelings of depression.
Vision complications sums up the second migraine stage. Not every migraine patient will encounter blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and dizziness. This stage happens a few hours before the head pain and migraine climax.
The third stage is the most sever stage and causes severe pains such as throbbing/pounding, nausea and even induced vomiting. This third stage can last up to three days.
The final stage is where the body tries to recoup but symptoms such as tiredness and muscles soreness linger for 2-3 days.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine stages, Migraines, neurological condition
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