This stage is the second stage in the chain reaction and it is endured by the least number of sufferers, only about 10% – 20%. This is really a good thing as this stage can seriously mess with your mental faculties. Sufferers in this stage have reported to get: blurred vision, temporary blindness in one eye, spots in vision, dizziness, vertigo, zigzag vision, hallucinations and even loss of cognitive reasoning skills. One of the factors that drastically shake up this stage in disturbing you is a process called Cortical Spreading Depression. During this kind of depression, neural activity is started and then slowly dejected or dulled over a length of time; CSD can actually be initiated in the back of the skull and reach the front brain in less than twenty eight minutes. This depression comes with inflammatory connectors which irritate the cranial nerve roots, especially the trigeminal nerve. Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herbal supplement found in the Migraine Support Formula which has the ability to lessen the travel of Cortical Spreading Depression by improving serotonin quantities in the brain. Ginkgo has been known to increase your positive mood and even enhance mental focus and clarity. The Aura stage tends to consent your head into a cloudy state. Also since dizziness is a normal concern for most Aura patients; Ginkgo will help stop the unbalanced nature of Vertigo. Vertigo is defined as feeling motion when one is stationary and there are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central. Both of these are felt when someone gets vertigo in a migraine headache.
Relief To The Rescue
The Migraine Support Formula has the distinct ability beyond most other treatment options to work in a safe and effective manner. The Migraine Support Formula was created to minimize the intensity and frequency of a migraine attack by the use of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. Here is one of the world-searched ingredients which all work together to beat up the migraine in your head.
This plant has the distinct propensity to reduce fevers, just as its name denotes. Also Feverfew can reduce head pain as well; this is very important as head pain is one of the most feared symptoms in the migraine arsenal.
Tags: Acupuncture, blurred vision, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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