Migraine patients often complain about the pain that is associated with their migraine but could you imagine how miserable a migraine would be if every stage of a migraine came in one large lump sum? Though a migraine attack is painful, the bright side of a migraine attack is that the pain is a process moving from one migraine stage to another rather then a dumping of all migraine pain. A migraine headache creeps on slowly and can linger for several days. During the duration of a migraine, the pain moves from one level of pain to another.
The first stage of a migraine attack is the prodrome stage. It is during the first migraine stage that migraine treatment should be implemented in order for it to be effective. During the first migraine stage, the migraine patient undergoes several symptoms such as fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and even bouts of depression. Theses first few stages of a migraine are designed to alert the migraine patient that a headache is on the way and treatment should be sought before the migraine progresses any further. It is so important that the migraine patient learn to discern the different signs and symptoms of the first stage in order to help shorten the migraine duration and lessen the migraine intensity.
Stage 2-4
The first stage of a migraine headache is by far the simplest and least painful but gives the migraine patient time to plan for the second, third and fourth migraine stage. The second stage of a migraine is the aura stage. The aura stage is not one that every migraine sufferer deals with but when a person does develop symptoms and signs of the aura stage they often resemble vision difficulties such as:
- Blurred vision
- Black Spots Behind The Eyes
- Dizziness
The aura stage last several hours before the third and most severe of the migraine stage takes over and sends the migraine patient into hiding. The headache stage lets loose miserable symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Cognitive Confusion
The fourth and final stage of a migraine is the postdrome stage. The postdrome stage is when the body tries to recoup from the marathon it just ran. The symptoms of the postdrome stage are lingering and are a combination of the following:
- Muscle Soreness
- Confusion
- Mild head pain
Tags: aura, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine stages, Migraine Support Formula, postdrome, prodrome, symptoms, treating migraines, triggers, vomitting
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