One secret that has been let out of the bag that surrounds the mystery of migraines is the four different stages by which a migraine progresses through. Migraine headaches are miserable things to endure on a consistent basis but sadly more than twenty eight million men and women suffer with chronic migraine headaches on a continual basis. A migraine attack is a slow developing process which takes days to fully form. Though much about migraines are still thought to be a mystery, there is a lot about them that has surfaced in recent years such as the four different stages that a migraine goes through.
Knowing a cure would be the ultimate migraine mystery to be revealed but that does not seem to be in the cards as of right now, so chronic migraine sufferers must take the good with the bad. By knowing the different stages, their symptoms and which ones come next, the migraine sufferer can do his or her best to prepare and plan for the days of intense migraine pains and debilitating symptoms. Migraine treatment is most effective if taken during the first migraine stage so it is imperative that migraine sufferers learn the sign and symptoms of an impending migraine so that treatment could be put into place as soon as possible to avoid incapacitation.
The prodrome stage is the first migraine stage and this stage is by far the least complex. Preemptive warning signs will be had during this stage such as fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and bouts of depression. No head pain is felt during this stage.
The second stage does not always apply to every migraine sufferer. The aura stage effects a person’s vision and sends off symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision and spots behind the eyes these symptoms manifest a few hours before the 3rd and most severe stage.
The third stage the headache stage is by far the most severe and most debilitating. Symptoms of the headache stage can cause a person to be incapacitated for up to 72 hours. Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, cognitive confusion, throbbing / pounding in the head.
The final stage lingers 2-3 days after the worst of the migraine pains. Symptoms include mild head pain, cognitive confusion and body aches.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome stage
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