Migraine headaches can be absolutely devastating to those who suffer from them, but are unfortunately very much misunderstood by those who suffer from them and even those who watch loves ones, friends, or coworkers suffer from migraine headaches. Many people think that those who suffer from migraine headaches are just “over dramatizing” their symptoms or are perhaps trying to seek sympathy from others. When in all reality migraine headaches are very real, they are in fact a medical condition and have real symptoms that can incapacitate or debilitate the person suffering from migraine headaches.
The symptoms that accompany migraine headaches include extreme head pain, as well as dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, vomiting, nausea, as well as sensitivities to light, sound, loud noises or odors. The thing about migraine headaches is that in order for prevention and proper treatment to occur the sufferers of migraine headaches must learn how to recognize the onset of their migraine headaches to stop them before they hit in full force. Some of the background on migraine headaches covers the risk factors, warning signs, as well as triggers that are most common to those who suffer from migraine headaches.
• Risk Factors – the risk factors which are common to those who suffer from migraine headaches can include genetics, family background, age, gender, as well as hormonal factors. All of these factors play a role in whether or not a person will be more prone to experiencing migraine headaches. So checking into a medical history as well as family history can make a large difference in knowing if a person is more prone to having migraine headaches of their own.
• Warning Signs – For those who are more at risk to experiencing migraine headaches it is extremely important that they be aware of the common warning signs that occur before an attack of migraine headaches. While each individual will experience their own personal set of warning signs some of the most common that occur among those who suffer from migraine headaches include fatigue, depression, anxiety, obsessive yawning, irritability, drowsiness, mood changes, as well as food cravings (especially for items high in sugar or salt).
• Triggers – Lastly included in the brief overview on migraine headaches is the understanding of what can trigger migraine headaches. Of course this is just a generalized list of common triggers that occur most frequently among those who have migraine headaches; again each individual normally has their own set of personal triggers. But being able to recognize these triggers and try and avoid them when possible will help to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches when possible. The most common triggers to migraine headaches include physical, physiological, or environmental causes, these causes can include triggers from hormonal changes, certain lighting (especially any that flashes, strobes or is particularly bright), , stress, caffeine and a lack of proper sleep.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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