When going to the bathroom, I like to take care of business quickly. You know, get in – get out, no one get hurts. But even though it is uncomfortable to discuss, constipation can really stop up your day. You are now stuck on the toilet for thirty minutes or more and nothing that really needs to get done can get done. Clogging can be a fun pass time but not on the toilet; the only thing that seems to pass is time. Constipation is not really known though for it being a serious migraine symptom that affects millions of Americans each year. It is no wonder why migraine headaches are the number one reason for people calling in sick. Here are some of the other symptoms alongside of constipation that a migraine sufferer might experience separately but sometimes together: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, blurred vision, temporary blindness, loss of motor function, and even extreme vertigo. Oh, I almost forgot the most difficult symptom that most every migraine sufferer has to deal with: the throbbing, incurable, unilateral head pain; it is many times the cause for the other symptoms as well. All of these symptoms are and the migraine itself is catalyzed by a simple environmental phenomenon called a trigger.
Don’t Stumble
Whenever a trigger is stumbled upon, the migraine process will begin soon after with the blood vessels in the brain expanding beyond their normal realm of breadth. This expanding causes a chemical to be released from within the brain, attacking the arteries with intense pain to follow. These symptoms won’t stop until the vessels that caused the problem in the first place return back to normalcy. All of this is because a small, little but not insignificant, trigger. These are some the known triggers: sunlight, loud noises, smells like perfume or body odor, caffeine and also neck / back tension.
Not A Cure, Yet Relief
Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraine headaches and the only chance for relief would be by using a migraine treatment on a regular basis. Some of the migraine treatment choices can be the following: acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustment, prescription medication and even a natural option call the Migraine Support Formula.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, Massage Therapy, Migraine Support Formula, migraine triggers, Natural Ingredients, Prescription medication
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