The weather bug app on the droid phone is pretty awesome; it helps alert owners to changes in weather conditions and notifies them if severe and life threatening weather is headed this way. For those who live in states where spontaneous weather outbursts are normal, then the weather bug app is a must have. Just like a weather bug app is designed to alert its owners of impending doom, preemptive migraine symptoms are designed to help alert migraine patients of an impending migraine headache.
Most people have a misunderstanding when it comes to how a migraine develops. It seems as though some people believe that a migraine headache is like a normal headache in that they appear out of nowhere and then cause extreme pain randomly. Nothing about a migraine is random. The intricate workings of migraine development are astounding and are actually considered to be a neurological disorder. A migraine headache develops in the brain and causes severe levels of pain, but what is the source of all the migraine pain?
The underlying cause of a migraine is still unknown, however new studies and research has shown that migraine triggers may be to blame for the onset of migraine misery.
Physiological And Environmental
Migraine triggers alert the brain that some kind of physiological and or environmental upset has occurred. Migraine triggers can be anything from hormone fluctuation to changes in the weather. Once a migraine trigger has been made contact with the body begins to experience all sorts of changes both chemically and physically. Migraine triggers can be simple things that are encountered everyday such as:
- Cigarette Smoke
- Perfume
- Flashing Lights
- Caffeine
- Changes in barometric temperatures
- Stress
- Poor Sleeping habits
Migraine triggers are unavoidable; however there are several ways one can get an upper hand on them. The first step is to learn as much as you can about migraine triggers, second keep track of the different triggers you personally come in contact with and journal how you feel over the next two days. Finally, seek out a preventative migraine treatment that can help lessen your migraine frequencies, shorten migraine duration and
Tags: Chronic migraine, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition, treating migraines
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