Migraine Headaches are severe and extremely painful headaches that can occur with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and/or sound, tingling in the arms or legs, as well as sensory warning signs like flashes of light or blind spots. Migraine headaches are caused when the blood vessels in the head and brain become inflamed and enlarged thus causing the pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Research shows that nearly 30 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches, and of those nearly 30 million females are much more likely to experience them than males. Migraine headaches are diagnosed when a few specific criteria are met such as:
• Experiencing 5 or more attacks
• Migraine Headaches lasting from 4 hours to 3 days
• At least one additional symptom such as vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light or sound is present along with the head pain.
• At least two of the migraine headaches occurring in a unilateral location presenting with a pulsating sensations and ranging from moderate to severe pain as well as aggravating normal routines or activities.
For any individual who may suffer from migraine headaches is it imperative that migraine relief be achieved. Many times the first line of defense when it comes to treating migraine is thru the use of prescription medications, however many times these prescription medications can cause negative side effects or even worse they can become habit forming for the individuals consuming them. However, there are other options for finding migraine relief and one of the routes that can be taken is by using supplemental treatments.
Common Supplemental Treatments
The use of supplemental treatment has been around for centuries. The idea of using what Mother Nature has given in order to promote healing and provide relief from different conditions or diseases is nothing new. However, within the medical community because much research and studies have been completed using supplemental treatment the idea is much more socially and medically accepted than it once was. With some of the research that has been completed the following are a few of the most commonly used supplemental treatments available to those who suffer from migraine headaches:
• Magnesium – is a supplemental treatment that is regularly used for the treatment of migraine headaches. Research has proven that most migraine sufferers have lower levels of magnesium when compared to those who do not suffer from migraine headaches. Thus, increasing the levels of magnesium within the body can help to decrease the painful symptoms of migraine headaches, especially those that may be triggered by the hormonal changes that take place during the onset of a monthly cycle in women.
• Coenzyme Q10 – this form of supplemental treatment for migraine headaches. Coenzyme Q10 is an important substance that is required for the function of many of the organs and chemical reactions within the body. It aids in providing energy to cells and also has antioxidant capabilities. Research has shown that Coenzyme Q10 can help to decrease both the frequency as well as severity of migraine headaches and is an excellent form of supplemental treatment.
• Vitamin B-12 – is another supplemental treatment that is beneficial to those who are seeking migraine relief because it has been proven in research to help decrease both the severity and frequency of the occurrence of migraine headaches. Another benefit of using Vitamin B-12 for a supplemental treatment for migraine headache is that it is safe to take while pregnant and does not cause any toxicity.
• 5-Hydroxtytryptophan – is a supplemental treatment for migraine headaches that can help reduce the intensity as well as frequency of migraine attacks by decreasing the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels in the brain which can lead to migraine headaches.
Other Natural Supplemental Treatment Options
Other than strictly using supplemental treatment plans for the relief of migraine headaches there are other natural ways of relieving the pain and symptoms of migraine headaches that are successful and beneficial to the body. Some of the other options to treating migraine headaches are:
• Cabbage Leaf Compress – can help to relieve the pain of migraine attacks.
• Carrot Juice – when combined with cucumber, spinach, and beet juice is a great natural supplemental treatment for migraine headaches.
• Niacin – is another known source for providing migraine relief through supplemental treatment. Niacin can be found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, yeast, tomatoes, whole wheat, liver, fish, and sunflower seeds.
• Garlic – is another powerful detoxifier which has been proven as a supplemental treatment and beneficial home remedy for migraine headaches.
• Lemon – is another excellent supplemental treatment for migraine headaches. For use as a supplemental treatment for migraine headaches it is recommended that the lemon zest be grinded and applied as a paste on the forehead. Using this supplemental treatment has been found to be effective as well as long-lasting.
• Primrose Oil – in an anti-inflammatory agent that aids in the reduction of constricted blood vessels and can act as a natural supplemental treatment for migraine headaches.
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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