Migraine headaches are so many times misunderstood by those who suffer from them as well as those who have to watch their loved ones, friends, or co-workers suffer from them. For the person who has never experienced true Migraine headaches they may think that the sufferer of the migraine headaches is over-reacting or “dramatizing” in order to get attention. This however is most definitely not the case. Migraine headaches are a serious and real medical condition, which present with real symptoms which can incapacitate or debilitate a person anywhere from hours up to days at a time. The symptoms of migraine headaches of course include extreme head pain, but can also include symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivities to light, sound, or odors. But understanding the 411 on migraine headaches involves understanding the background on migraine headaches which included the risk factors, warning signs, and triggers that make a person more prone to experiencing migraine headaches.
• Risk Factors – There are certain risk factors which place a person more at risk to experiencing migraine headaches, whether they like it or not. Risk factors include family history, age, gender, as well as hormones and other medical conditions playing a role in making a person more prone to experiencing migraine headaches.
• Warning Signs – It is important for individuals who are prone to experiencing migraine headaches to be able to recognize the common warning signs that take place before the occurrence of migraine headaches. While each person who suffers from migraine headaches will experience differing symptoms the most common symptoms of migraine headaches include at least one of or a combination of the following symptoms such as fatigue, depression, obsessive yawning, irritability, drowsiness, mood changes, as well as food cravings (usually for items high in sugar or salt).
• Triggers – Triggers are another important 411 to understand when it comes to migraine headaches. Just as warning signs and symptoms will vary among those who suffer from migraine headaches so will the triggers. However there are some common triggers that appear among the majority of those who suffer from migraine headaches and these usually will begin with a specific source (or combination of sources) that derive from physical, physiological, or environmental causes. Common triggers can include hormonal changes, certain lighting (especially any that flashes, strobes or is particularly bright), caffeine, stress, and a lack of proper sleep.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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