While migraine headaches are different for everyone, there are some common migraine headache symptoms. It is common for certain symptoms to be felt just prior to a migraine headache and for others to be felt during and after. It can take a lifetime to figure out what exactly is going on before and after the migraine headache, but usually a migraine headache sufferer is very sensitive and knows what is going on during the migraine headache.
During a migraine headache
Migraine headache symptoms include pounding or throbbing pain usually on one side of the head. Many times the most intense pain is located in the sides of the forehead. Migraine headaches are not the type to be short; they can typically last anywhere from four to 72 hours.
Migraine headache symptoms are not just limited to the pain in the head. Migraine headache symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, irritability, difficulty moving around, noise sensitivity, light sensitivity, feeling numb, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, lightheadedness and vertigo.
Since doctors are unsure of the cause of migraine headaches, it is very difficult for them to understand the reasoning behind all of the symptoms. When migraine headache sufferers are speaking with a doctor, it is important to list all symptoms even if they seem unrelated. One small symptom can be a break through to help the doctor diagnose and treat migraine headaches.
Sometimes keeping a migraine headache diary can help a sufferer know his or her exact symptoms and help to control the symptoms. It can be helpful to take the migraine headache diary to the doctor so it is easily accessible.
During a migraine headache it can be helpful to lie down in a dark, quiet room. This eliminates bright lights and loud sounds. By eliminating two of the biggest issues, sometimes the others are more manageable. When lying down it is important to relax. There is no harm in falling asleep. The sleep may help the migraine sufferer feel more refreshed therefore allowing some sense of normalcy.
Immediately following a migraine headache, a migraine sufferer may still feel poor. The best thing to remember is to take it easy and allow the body to return to normal.
Tags: Acupuncture, alleviating stress, Fatigue, Massage Therapy, migraine pain, migraine symptoms, preemptive migraine headache, preventive treatments
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