There are four stages of a migraine headache. It may seem odd to think of a migraine headache having stages; for most chronic migraine sufferers, it may seem as though there is only one stage and that stage is misery. It is true that a migraine causes an intense level of pain that can cause the migraine patient to lose his or her ability to function properly but that does not mean that a migraine attack cannot be treated and the pain quenched somewhat. The best way to lessen the pain of a migraine attack is through education. Educating oneself on the development of a migraine, migraine causes and migraine treatment can help the migraine patient know which treatment is the safest ad most effective.
The development of a migraine happens in several parts. The first part is the encounter of a migraine trigger. A migraine trigger can be physiological and or environmental upsets that causes the body to respond negatively and set the stage for a migraine attack to occur. Once a migraine trigger has been encountered, the body and its chemical makeup begins to change. The blood vessels in the brain begin to respond to the trigger by way of enlarging or expanding. The enlarging of the blood vessels causes several different physiological effects.
The changes that happen when a migraine trigger is encountered sets off the various stages of a migraine. The first migraine stage is rather mild with no head pain or miserable symptoms but the second migraine stage known as the aura stage changers all that. The second stage of a migraine is known as the aura stage, it is important to note that not every migraine patient experiences this particular stage but when they do, they know that the severity of the migraine attack is just hours away.
The aura stage is vision related and affects the migraine victim’s ability to think and see clearly. Symptoms associated with the aura stage would include dizziness, black spots behind the eyes, blurred vision and a haloish fuzziness surrounding objects. The aura stage lasts for several hours before the onset of the third migraine stage shows up with vengeance and furry.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine stages, postdrome, prodrome, triggers, vomitting
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