Migraine headaches are characterized by intense throbbing on one or both sides of the head. These can be caused by something that was eaten or even just simply walking into a brightly lit room.
Since migraine headaches can have so many causes, preventing them can be very difficult. This is because the prevention of migraine headaches relies very heavily on new research findings and a good relationship between the patient and the doctor. However, migraine headache prevention is possible.
Non-medication methods for prevention
While doctors will commonly turn to medications to help prevent migraine headaches, there are a number of ways to do this without the use of medications. Simple aspects of life such as diet, exercise, sleep and managing stress can be a great help for migraine headache sufferers. Some sufferers need to make use of all of these methods, while others just need to make one simple change.
Learning dietary triggers can be a good start for migraine headache sufferers. This can be accomplished by keeping a food diary or using an elimination diet. Keeping a regular meal schedule can also be very important. Many times, sufferers find that skipping meals can trigger a migraine headache. A common food trigger is tyramine. This includes foods like MSG and peanuts.
Just like meals should be on a regular schedule, sleep should as well. Getting enough sleep and on a consistent basis can be extremely helpful for migraine headaches. This means going to bed and getting up at the same times each day.
Exercise can be used by migraine headache sufferer as a stress reliever. Exercise is also encouraged in almost all cases because it promotes general good health.
Stress reduction is a huge help for migraine headache sufferers. Stress is a common trigger for migraine headaches.
Many times doctors will also prescribe preventative medications. These medications are used when a migraine headache sufferer is unable to live a normal life such as when migraine headaches are experienced for more than 14 days each month.
Only a doctor will be able to properly diagnose a patient to see if medication is medically necessary. They may suggest starting with lifestyle changes and then moving to medications or alternative therapies.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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